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EUR Document Volume 1

The EUR Document Volume 1 presents the major objectives of the EUR Association and gives an overall view of the EUR Document. It includes 5 chapters and 2 appendices

  • Chapter 1.01: Introduction to EUR
  • Chapter 1.02: EUR Policies
  • Chapter 1.03: EUR Synopsis
  • Chapter 1.04: EUR Key Issues 
  • Chapter 1.05: EUR Key Positions on SMLWR 
  • Appendices: 
    • Definitions
    • Acronyms

This site allows a controlled free access to the EUR Document Volume 1 "for information only” to any requester. Sale by a third party of the EUR Document Volume 1 or a part thereof to any other third party is strictly prohibited.


Table of Contents (ToC) of Volume 1

Download all the chapters
File Date Size
1.01 INTRODUCTION TO EUR 11-23-2022 569720 K Download
1.02 EUR POLICIES 11-23-2022 375994 K Download
1.03 EUR SYNOPSIS 11-23-2022 567798 K Download
1.04 EUR KEY ISSUES 11-23-2022 800281 K Download
1.05 EUR KEY POSITIONS ON SMLWR  11-23-2022 750033 K Download
DEFINITIONS 11-23-2022 713478 K Download
ACRONYMS 11-23-2022 352228 K Download
EUR REVISION E MANUAL 01-09-2023 433620 K Download

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Download the EUR Document Volume 1