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Our members

Our Members


The Members of the EUR Association are exclusively companies, i. e., corporate bodies.The EUR Association comprises 3 types of Members:

  • EUR Full Members: European utilities;
  • EUR Associated Members: European Utilities with a special temporary status as new EUR Members...
  • EUR Observer Members: non-European utilities.  

EUR Members can access the EUR Document according to the relevant Distribution Rules defined by the EUR Association. They are involved in the EUR permanent bodies, and contribute to the EUR Document updates and to the design assessments performed by the EUR Association.

Our Members

EUR Members

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Our Members

Becoming an EUR Member

The EUR Association is open to new Members representing companies involved in new nuclear projects or in electricity generation in Europe or outside Europe. The three following pre-determined conditions to become an EUR Member are:

  • Experienced power generation in Europe through Utility responsibility or Engineering supporting closely such Utility,
  • Nuclear experience in its own existing plants, or in new project of nuclear plants in Europe at public development stage,
  • Sufficient technical skills to participate effectively in EUR activities.