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Non-Profit Making Organisations

EUR Document
distribution rules for
non-profit making organisations

Non-Profit Making Organisations include organisations such as: 

  • Nuclear Safety Authorities (Regulators);
  • International Organisations (e. g. European Commission, IAEA, etc.); and 
  • Research Centres and Universities (for non-commercial use), etc. 

Non-Profit Making Organisations have access to the EUR Document (Volumes 1, 2 and 4) for internal use, without payment.

“Rights of use for internal use only and NDA” shall be signed by a senior representative of the Organisation.

For any other use (e.g. commercial use), “Non-Profit Making Organisations” will have to request for access to the EUR Document (Volumes 1, 2 and 4) under the “Profit Making Organisation” arrangements.

Contact with us for any information

Mail Address

EUR Association
EDF La Grande Halle
Bureau 02-NE-29
CS 80323 
69363 LYON CEDEX 07



+33 (0) 6 75 62 84 25 / +33 (0) 6 58 56 12 25



Banner description
Non-Profit Making Organisations are stakeholders, having no commercial objectives and therefore not using the EUR Document material for commercial purposes. They are not undertaking commercial engineering or support services for other third parties.